, the only bookmarking service I signed-up to. →

Greg Leppert, who works at Svpply, created this little service called Reading and it is awesome.

The tagline says it all:

What you're reading. Not what you like. Not what you find interesting. Just what you're reading.

The design is beautifully simple. Only text, no images, no clutter, just the essential elements: the bookmarks.

The first impression has been very good for me. Registering via Twitter or Facebook is a great choice. It got me signing up without thinking twice at all. Great choice.

Second impression came when I actually used the service. It is dead simple. No friction, no thinking, only reading. Just click the bookmarklet you previously dragged to your browser’s bookmark bar and the page you are currently on is added to your list.

I have to tell you that I have never used any other bookmarking service before, not even delicious. They look too complicated to me, sorting my articles into folders is too much of a hassle. Sharing links with followers makes me always think twice and I often end up sharing nothing, coming to the conclusion that this has no interest at all. Here, Reading tells you to share the link before reading the article and it makes a huge difference for me.

I am seduced because you do not tell the world what you just liked, but what you are actually reading at the moment. This then gives another dimension to the service, it has a huge discovery potential. Browsing everybody’s feed will definitely make you click on other articles.

Finally, it is a great way for me to track what I have been reading.

Enough said, this service is great and if you have only one thing to do now is to sign up: