Tupac resurrected →

Sunday night at the Coachella Festival, the crowd could hear Tupac Shakur shout “What the fuck is that Coachella?”

MTV News has a few details about what was Dr. Dre’s idea:

The Tupac hologram was several months in the planning and took nearly four months to create in a studio and though Smith was not able to reveal the exact price tag for the illusion, he said a comparable one could cost anywhere from $100,000 to more than $400,000 to pull off. "I can't say how much that event cost, but I can say it's affordable in the sense that if we had to bring entertainers around world and create concerts across the country, we could put [artists] in every venue in the country," he said.

It looks so good. You can discuss the real interest of this kind of performance, but you can’t deny how impressive this technology is.