Square and Jack Dorsey’s vision →

Farhad Manjoo, for Slate, about Square as a whole and this interesting bit about Dorsey’s vision and Square’s potential:

If you study Square’s products and its pricing, and if you talk to Dorsey about his plans, you’ll find that the company’s real mission is to alter the psychology of consumption. Dorsey is bent on creating frictionless commerce. His long-term goal is to make accepting payments a breeze for businesses, and he wants to make paying for stuff invisible—for everyone, across the entire economy, for all types of goods and services. If Square succeeds in that mission, it will become a persistent, ever-present part of our daily lives. You’ll use it every time you engage with businesses—which might mean you’ll interact with Square more often than Google, Facebook, Amazon, or even Apple.

Square is so interesting because it can definitely change a big part of our lives. Doing so it could become a giant. Of course, it will happen over a couple of years, but it’s exciting to watch.